
 0 Review

Active, healthy lifestyles

In this course, Active, healthy lifestyles, which is aimed at teachers of Physical Education, we begin by looking at some of the common misconceptions relating to fitness and activity levels together with accepted definitions of these concepts. We consider how active young people should actually be, and discuss how PE teachers c..


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Advanced German: Regional landscapes

German regions and landscapes, local traditions and the notion of Heimat are at the centre of this course, Advanced German: Regional landscapes. You will describe images, make notes from a variety of sources, and write a short piece about the three-nations region around Lake Constance. Course learning outcomes After studying t..


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Advanced Spanish: Language in context

This course, Advanced Spanish: Language in context, will develop your knowledge and understanding of the societies and cultures of Spain and Latin America and extend the practical skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course focuses on the many ways in which living languages - notably Spanish - adapt to the con..


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Approaches to software development

This course, Approaches to software development, presents an engineering approach to the development of software systems – a software engineering approach. The course pays particular attention to issues of software quality, in terms of both product (what is built) and process (how we build it). Course learning outcomes After s..


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Business English: Making decisions

Do you want to relocate to the UK? This course, Business English: Making decisions, will help you with the language difficulties that can arise while providing assistance with the practicalities of the decision-making processes involved and the consultation that is necessary to ensure employees are kept informed. Course learnin..


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Caring for adults

Caring for adults is an introductory course for anyone in a caring role, either paid or unpaid. It builds on what you already know to give you a better understanding of your role as a carer. It also supports your own well-being by giving you some ideas and information about looking after yourself and dealing with stress. Course..


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Energy in buildings

Themes covered in this course, Energy in buildings, include reducing heating demand in buildings, heating systems and fuel emissions, and reducing electricity use by appliances. The course looks at the importance of energy in buildings in the UK, investigate heat loss and how to prevent it, ways of increasing building efficiency..


 0 Review

Exploring the boundaries of international law

This course, Exploring the boundaries of international law, is designed to provide you with an introduction to key concepts underpinning your study of international law. It introduces the concept of international legal personality, explores the status of the state, the principle of sovereignty and summarises the principles of ju..


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Hadrian's Rome

This course, Hadrian's Rome, explores the city of Rome during the reign of the emperor Hadrian (117-38 CE). What impact did the emperor have on the appearance of the city? What types of structures were built and why? And how did the choices that Hadrian made relate to those of his predecessors, and also of his successors? Cours..


 0 Review

How to be a critical reader

In this course you will focus on how to be a critical reader. Reading critically is an essential skill at university. It means being aware of your own purposes and opinions as you read and being able to recognise the writer's purposes and opinions in their writing. Course learning outcomes After studying this course, you shoul..


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