Science, Maths & Technology

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Approaches to software development

This course, Approaches to software development, presents an engineering approach to the development of software systems – a software engineering approach. The course pays particular attention to issues of software quality, in terms of both product (what is built) and process (how we build it). Course learning outcomes After s..


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Comparing stars

Stars can necessarily be observed only at a distance. Comparing stars is a 16-hour course that introduces the HertzsprungRussell diagram, an essential tool in understanding the nature of stars. You should have some understanding of the basic stellar properties of luminosity and temperature in order to get the most from the cours..


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Computers and computer systems

Computers and processors are ubiquitous in everyday life, and they're not only found in your PC. This course, Computers and computer systems, introduces the different parts of a computer system and their use of binary code. Using the examples of kitchen scales, a digital camera and a computer artwork the course, with the help of..


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This course looks at the process of design, from assessing the complexity of design as an activity to exposing the difficulty in making general conclusions about how designers work. You will be able to identify innovation in a wide variety of designed objects and evaluate the impact of this innovation. Course learning outcomes ..


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Ethics in science?

This course, Ethics in science? discusses how scientists have a moral and ethical responsibility to consider whether they should carry out an experiment. In this short course you will learn of the first clinical trials undertaken for scurvy and small pox and gain an understanding of how much more rigorous today’s clinical trials..


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IT: e-government

You can now access government directly through the web. While studying this course, IT: e-government, you look at the scope of e-government, the databases that are necessary, the use of biometrics in identification and verification of identity, and assess the usability and accessibility of websites. Course learning outc..


 0 Review

The digital scholar

Digital scholarship is a shorthand for the intersection of three technology related developments: digital content, networked distribution and open practices. It is when digital, networked and open intersect that transformational practice occurs. In this course, The digital scholar, you will explore the impact of digital technolo..


Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)